Flexible Solutions

Tailored Solutions for Every Approach

At Starling AMS, we believe that every association deserves to be effectively managed. Our mission is to provide a complete and comprehensive, yet cost effective, association management software that moves with your organization.


Looking for a turn-key white-labeled solution? We provide an out-of-the-box global solution that represents your brand to your members with integrations into popular CRM, LMS, marketing, and payment platforms.

  • Cloud Infrastructure
  • Mobile Ready
  • Your Company's Branding
  • Yearly Updates and Patches
  • CRM Integration
  • Bucket of Custom Development Hours
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Do you have your own development team? We offer source code licenses so you are in the driver's seat for features and functionalities. Enhance your membership platform based on your needs at your schedule.

  • Full Source Code
  • 1-on-1 Developer Support
  • Developer Licenses
  • Simple Licensing Plans
  • Source Code Training Classes
  • Yearly Updates and Patches
Licensing Options

What Our Customers Say

After years of struggling with AMS solutions that never quite supported our needs, the Starling platform has allowed us to simplify our technical overhead while gaining tremendous flexibility and scalability. Critically, the Startling team has worked with us closely to accommodate our unique business rules quickly but sensibly. We’ve worked together to structure our AMS so that we can continue to grow our member needs.

With Starling, we’ve found a partner instead of a traditional, inflexible vendor. I’d recommend Startling to any association, large or small, who is ready to take their association management platform to the next level. Starling kept data integrity at the forefront all through the process, allowing us unprecedented visibility into our membership data which has given us the ability to truly understand our constituents' and their needs. 

Membership Experience

Enhanced member experience through dynamic registration, member exclusive tools, membership auto-renewals, and self-service functionalities.

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CRM & Administrative Capabilities

Our back-end administrator's dashboard gives your Call Center and Member Experience Team all the tool necessary to support your members' needs from a single view.

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Event & Facility Management

Seamlessly manage all your facilities and events from a single point of view. With built-in event communication tools, QR code check-ins, and membership renewal workflows.

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Boosting Membership with Starling AMS

Starling's association management software provides features and functionalities to help facilitate both capture and retention of members.

Salesforce Integration

Seamless and modular synchronization of data between your Salesforce CRM and Starling AMS

Responsive Design

Both admins and members can access your platform on a desktop or mobile and tablet devices.

Event & Facility Management

Manage facilities and coordinate events with shared calendars, auto-notifications, and ticket sales workflows.

Modular Checkout

Our checkout module allows both pre- and post-checkout workflows to facilitate fundraising and partner programs, including promotional campaigns.

API & SSO Support

Interface with 3rd party solutions using our API layer secured with OAuth 2.0 and SAML support for Single Sign On interface.

Chat Communication

Built-in functionality to support real-time chat capabilities in browser and mobile view with push notifications.

Flexible Licensing and Pricing Options

We have a solution for every type and size of an organization, whether you are looking for a turn-key solutions or a custom solution (and everything in-between)

Most popular


For organization that do not have a development team and an IT infrastructure, and would like a fully managed solution.

Efficient Business Solutions Bundle
  • Cloud hosted solution
  • CRM Integration included
  • Licensing based on organization size
  • Unlimited custom development - no extra cost
  • White-labeled and branding included
  • Dedicated customer support
  • Yearly Updates and Patches
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For organizations that have their own development team and IT infrastructure and want to enhance the platform to their needs.

Development Support
  • Source code provided
  • Discounted licensing based on organization
  • Developer Licenses available
  • 1-week of Development team training
  • Development team augmentation available
  • Dedicated customer support
  • Yearly Updates and Patches
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For organization that have their own development team and IT infrastructure, but would like the infrastructure to be managed.

Efficient Business Solutions Bundle
  • Cloud Solution Provider (CSP) licensing
  • Discounted licensing based on organization
  • Developer Licenses available
  • 1-week of Dev team training classes
  • Development team augmentation available
  • Dedicated customer support
  • Yearly Updates and Patches
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Have questions?

Contact us today for a demo or a quote to upgrade your membership experience